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VEP's Pugilist Guide v1.02

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1VEP's Pugilist Guide v1.02 Empty VEP's Pugilist Guide v1.02 Sun Sep 12, 2010 4:03 pm


Spoony Bard
Spoony Bard

VEP's Pugilist Guide v1.02

VEP's Pugilist Guide v1.02 Bruce_lee

DISCLAIMER: UNDER CONSTRUCTION – This is a work in progress and I will update priority lists with each level gained.

Here are some questions that interest me the most and will research thoroughly:

What is the mathematical effect of STR? Is it different per race?
What is the mathematical effect of VIT? Is it different per race?
What is the mathematical effect of DEX? Is it different per race?
Do these stats/modifiers coincide to increase “meta-stats” such as Evasion and TP Skill Damage?
What does INT, MND, PIE do for PGL skills?
What is the mathematical effect of Weapon Optimal Rank and Player Rank?
How does Evasion Rating equate to actual Evasion percentage?

Table of Contents

[101A] What is PGL?
[101B] Races and Stats
[101C] Damage Dealing
[101D] Tanking
[101E] Crafting
[101F] Skills and Gear

  • Introduction: What is PGL?

VEP's Pugilist Guide v1.02 P4-02-05-1

Pugilist (PGL) is a Discipline of War melee class that fights with Hand-to-Hand fist weapons and utilizes abilities that decrease enemy accuracy and increase the PGL's evasion. It is similar to the Monk, Ninja, and Thief classes from FFXI. PGLs are primarily a single-target damage dealing class. Some of their attacks have increased effects when attacking an enemy from behind. They have few abilities that allow them to hit multiple enemies. They also have several attacks that increase enmity, increase evasion, decrease party member enmity, and decrease enemy accuracy; it could be assumed that PGL is a viable tanking class.

  • Races and Stats

VEP's Pugilist Guide v1.02 GYI0060397894


STR 16
VIT 15
DEX 14
INT 16
MND 13
PIE 16

STR 18
VIT 17
DEX 15
INT 13
MND 15
PIE 12

STR 14
VIT 13
DEX 18
INT 17
MND 12
PIE 16

STR 15
VIT 14
DEX 15
INT 18
MND 15
PIE 13

STR 13
VIT 13
DEX 17
INT 16
MND 15
PIE 16

STR 12
VIT 12
DEX 15
INT 16
MND 17
PIE 18
Sun Seeker

STR 16
VIT 15
DEX 17
INT 13
MND 14
PIE 15
Moon Keeper

STR 13
VIT 12
DEX 16
INT 14
MND 18
PIE 17
Sea Wolf

STR 17
VIT 18
DEX 13
INT 12
MND 16
PIE 14

STR 15
VIT 16
DEX 12
INT 15
MND 17
PIE 15
LIT 15
FIR 16
EAR 15
ICE 13
WAT 16
AIR 15
LIT 18
FIR 15
EAR 14
ICE 16
WAT 13
AIR 14
LIT 14
FIR 12
EAR 17
ICE 14
WAT 15
AIR 18
LIT 15
FIR 14
EAR 17
ICE 16
WAT 16
AIR 12
LIT 17
FIR 14
EAR 16
ICE 13
WAT 15
AIR 15
LIT 15
FIR 17
EAR 18
ICE 12
WAT 12
AIR 16
LIT 12
FIR 18
EAR 15
ICE 15
WAT 17
AIR 12
LIT 16
FIR 13
EAR 14
ICE 18
WAT 14
AIR 15
LIT 13
FIR 13
EAR 12
ICE 17
WAT 18
AIR 17
LIT 14
FIR 18
EAR 13
ICE 14
WAT 15
AIR 16

I'm assuming the stats that will be most beneficial to PGL are STR, VIT, and DEX. From Rank 10 to Rank 13, I did not allocate my stats and I noticed a very minimal difference in damage, evasion, and accuracy. I’m guessing that in the OB, stats do not have much weight or perhaps they have modifiers depending on the weapon rank. It’s difficult to tell the weight of stats with our current gear options, but I’ll do more min/max testing at retail.

Here are the questions that interest me the most:

What is the mathematical effect of STR? Is it different per race?
What is the mathematical effect of VIT? Is it different per race?
What is the mathematical effect of DEX? Is it different per race?
Do these stats/modifiers coincide to increase “meta-stats” such as Evasion and TP Skill Damage?
What does INT, MND, PIE do for PGL skills?

  • Damage Dealing

VEP's Pugilist Guide v1.02 Stone_crab1

When damaging as a PGL, you should follow this one simple rule: have zero down time.

Skill Priority –Target Attacking You:

IMPORTANT: If possible, always begin the fight with Featherfoot enabled and Light Strike as your first attack.
During the fight, try to utilize Presence of Mind if you have other enemies attacking you.
This increases your chance to do Haymaker.

Priority 1: Use Haymaker whenever possible.

Priority 2: Time your Light Strike prior to enemy attacks so that you can maximize chances of Haymaker and build TP.

Priority 3: Use Seismic Shock every time its cooldown is off, you have 1000 TP, you have 10 MP, and your target is not flying.
Use discretion when not to waste MP. Always line yourself up to hit multiple targets when possible.

Priority 4: Use Concussive Blow every time its cooldown is off, you have 1000 TP, and your Seismic Shock is unavailable.
Note that this skill will stack a debuff on the target that reduces its Accuracy Rating. It does not increase your Evasion Rating.

Priority 5: Time your Heavy Strike and Pummel between enemy attacks in order to build TP.

Skill Priority – Target Attacking Other:

IMPORTANT: Try to attack your target from behind and maximize Blindside at all times. There are skills such as Speed Surge that I’ve yet to test for effectiveness in combat but I’m certain that utilizing other class skills with your PGL will be very powerful and provide higher damage output.

Priority 1: Use Concussive Blow every time its cooldown is off and you have 1000 TP. The goal is to stack the debuff to three times for the benefit of your tank and usage of Victimize.

Priority 2: Use Victimize every time its cooldown is off, you have 2000 TP, and you have three Concussive Blow debuffs on the enemy.

Priority 3: Use Seismic Shock every time its cooldown is off, you have 1000 TP, you have 10 MP, and your target is not flying.
Use discretion when not to waste MP. Always line yourself up to hit multiple targets when possible.

Priority 4: Use Heavy Strike and Pummel between enemy attacks in order to build TP.

  • Tanking

VEP's Pugilist Guide v1.02 349_zangief

PGL tanking is somewhat similar to Ninja tanking in FFXI in that you have to rely on timing your evasive skills as a means to avoid damage rather than nullifying it. As a PGL tank, you will try to maximize your usage of Jarring Strike which creates a large amount of enmity. Depending on the difficulty of the battle, you should tell your allies to give you some time to build up adequate enmity. A preemptive Taunt is usually better than a reactive one. Currently, it is unknown what, if any, stat affects the enmity duration on the taunt debuff; taunts typically last anywhere from 3-10 seconds. I haven’t tried to use other class abilities such as Provoke but I’m sure that inclusion of these abilities will make PGL tanking much more effective. You can also set markers on the enemy with your emote menu – this is a good way to communicate to your party which order

Skill Priority – Tanking:

IMPORTANT: If possible, always begin the fight with Featherfoot and Taunt enabled. Use Light Strike as your primary attack and TP build.
During the fight, try to utilize Featherfoot as well as Presence of Mind if you have other enemies attacking you.

This increases your chance to do Jarring Strike.

Priority 1: Use Jarring Strike whenever possible.

Priority 2: Use Taunt whenever possible. Use your discretion when taunting since some enemies in the fight may be at a different enmity threshold than the one you are currently attacking.
Targeting can prove to be difficult in a hectic fight; set aside some time to practice and experiment with the auto-targeting system to find what works best for you.

Priority 3: Use Concussive Blow every time its cooldown is off and you have 1000 TP.
Note that this skill will stack a debuff on the target that reduces its Accuracy Rating which is different than increasing your Evasion Rating.

Priority 4: Always use Light Strike as your primary attack and TP build, however, you can use Heavy Strike and Pummel between enemy attacks in order to build TP.

Priority 5: Save your Second Wind for when you get into critical situations. Make sure to have good communication with your healers.

DISCLAIMER: UNDER CONSTRUCTION – More information coming soon!

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